DOG AT WORK - Can I take my dog to the office?
More and more employees are considering bringing their beloved four-legged friends to work. But before you introduce your dog as a new office colleague, there are some important considerations y...

WALKING THE DOG - How often and how long is optimal?
How often and how long you should walk your dog is crucial to his health and well-being. Every dog is unique - but there are general guidelines that can help you plan the ideal walks for your fou...

DOG & JOGGING - Can my dog jog with me?
Jogging with your dog can be a great way to spend time together, stay active, and strengthen your bond. But before you take your four-legged friend along on your run, there are some important co...

As a dog owner, you've probably been spoiled for choice: Should your dog wear a collar or a harness? The answer depends on various factors - such as the size of your do...

The best toy for your dog depends on several factors, such as your dog's size, age and play style. Some dogs prefer toys to chew on, while others prefer interactive toys that encourage them to be ...